Monday, July 30, 2012

Some pictures around Sydney

View from Credit Suisse building on upper floor

The Huge 3 story Apple Store
University of Sydney Quad Building
The "Oval" where Sydney University Rugby plays

A Taste of Rochester in Aussieland

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Baseball Down Under

Got my first taste of playing Aussie baseball today with few hits, RBIs, double, team win and game MVP as a welcome to Australian baseball. The game was played in Cronulla at Tonkin Oval, a town right on the water, with boats and the bay right behind the outfield wall on a field which is also used for Cricket (which I have yet to understand). The level of play includes college guys, former college guys, and former pro players. Should continue to be a fun league.

Afterwards I got invited to dinner with friends and their family to have lamb, a popular meat in Australia. Got to meet a nice bloak who works at investment bank Macquarie Group and have a little econ debate to wrap up the evening.

Looking forward to first day of classes tomorrow after my internship in the morning.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 13

Finished first day of a 10 hour internship and a heavy dose of financial modeling then went to largest IMAX theatre in the world to see the new Batman movie. Calling it a day after a little over 17 hours.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Coming back from the gym tonight, I got a little taste of wildlife seeing some flying foxes and possums which looked like huge squirrels from a distance.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Headed to Coogie Beach for the day then off to baseball tonight.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

A week in

Having touched down in Sydney a little over a week ago, I have been able to see the CBD (downtown Sydney), the Blue Moutains, and meet some native Aussies including some kangaroos, wallabys, and Sydney baseball players.

I am still getting used to crossing the street with traffic driving on the left side of the road and getting used to the surrounding area but so far really enjoying myself "down under." 

While the accents and driving on the opposite side of the street are noticeable differences from the U.S., everything seems to be significantly more expensive too. Bottled water will usually cost no less than $2.50 and buying food from the grocery store will run up a large bill. For some reason they love Ben and Jerry's ice cream here; they seem to be all over even though a pint of it will cost 12 bucks.

One other thing, unlike the American marketing would have you believe, they don't drink Fosters down here.