Sunday, September 30, 2012

Darling Harbor and Orphan Dinner

Yesterday, I took a walk into Darling Harbor to see if I could get an extension on the expiration date of tickets I had to the aquarium. I have some family friends coming to Sydney in November and was able to get 3 tickets I had to the Westfield tower extended through November. Unfortunately, one of the ladies working at the ticket office had no interest in helping me out and was clearly frustrated by having to deal with the long lines.

Darling Harbor Aquarium

At first I was frustrated that she refused to help and was considering just returning at a later date to hopefully see if someone nicer would help out. However, with the long lines, I decided I could take advantage of the situation by just scalping the tickets and picked up a little over $20 each for the tickets by selling them to people waiting in line. There's some American entrepreneurial spirit for ya.

Later on in the evening, I went over to the weekly "Orphan's Dinner" with the Garrett family who have been my acting host family in Sydney. I enjoyed what is always a very entertaining and fun night as well as some top notch seafood. I got to try sea bugs which have a texture very similar to that of lobster.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Some other pictures from Cairns

Some pictures of last day in Cairns

The "Lagoon" pool overlooking the ocean


Marina Boardwalk in Cairns

 Apparently this stinging tree is extremely dangerous 
Crystal Cascades Park in Cairns

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Trip to the Rainforest

After the trip to the Great Barrier Reef on Sunday, I have since been able to check out a wildlife habitat, go on the Daintree River to check out crocodiles, go on a nightwalk through the Daintree Rainforest (which apparently was the inspiration for the movie Avatar), and go "jungle surfing" through the rainforest.

picture taken from window of bus on way to rainforest


black swans


bird with a really sharp beak

apparently koalas sleep for 20 hours a day

view of the Daintree forest from croc infested Daintree River

 accommodation with some other guys for the night 

view of the ocean 

During the Daintree Rainforest  night-walk, we were able to see all different types of vegetation and creatures. One of these was the strangler fig 
which is a parasitic vine which hollows out the inside of trees creating this cool pattern seen throughout the forest. I also licked the flavorful green ant, whose body is has a coating of absorbic acid (vitamin C) which was used by the aboriginals to help cure illness. 

Our group also came across the Forest Dragon native to the Daintree Forest 
as well as the huntsman spider 
which can detect even the most sensitive of movements. We also saw some of the frogs of the forest and I came across a bandicoot outside of my room for the night. 


Earlier today, before leaving the Daintree Forest area called Cape Tribulation, I saw no less than 3 stingrays, while walking in the water on the beach. Amazing how well they blend in, and you have to make sure you don't step on them. The first was distinctly different than the last 2, with the first having a more short, stubby tail and the other having much more of a whiptail.

Will upload more pictures when I have more reliable internet access.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Great Barrier Reef

Today was an amazing day. I got to go snorkeling and scuba diving (twice) at the Great Barrier Reef.

It was awesome to get used to the sensation of being able to breath under water while watching schools of huge fish pass by you and being surrounded by huge coral formations. I'm pretty sure I saw Nemo too.

While diving, I got to pet a cuttlefish which turned a brilliant blue color. It looks like a mini squid.


I also got to get up and close to a stingray and watch it bury into the sand.

Without a doubt, one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. The great barrier reef is certainly among the most incredible natural structures and habitats in the world.

View from the "Wharf" before departing

Without an aerial view of the reef, hard to do it it justice

Certified to Scuba Dive

Friday, September 21, 2012

Glebe Point

After finishing up a long essay today for my Investments and Portfolio Management class, I took a run over to Glebe Point.

 The Anzac Bridge

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Baseball at the Olympic Stadium

Tonight I got to play baseball in Blacktown on the outskirts of Sydney at the Olympic Baseball Complex (from 2000 Sydney Olympics). The field we played at was not the actual field used for the Olympic games, but used for the home team practice prior to the game. The Olympic field is used nowadays for the Sydney Blue Sox, a pro team in Australia whose season starts in October. We have a number of pitchers on our team who pitch for the Blue Sox and helped us to win our close game today.

The field on the far right is the one we played on

I was able to contribute to our win by going 1 for 2 with a double and adding a couple walks and scored a run as well. Another fun night at the yard.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Double Bay

Yesterday I ventured over to Double Bay, a ritzy suburb of Sydney where I was able to meet another hedgie from the world of finance.

He invited me to chat at the Double Bay Sailing Club which offered a great view of the harbor and prime Sydney real estate.


Only a few more days until I depart for Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef on Saturday.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Yesterday was an exciting day of baseball. We won in extra innings and I was able to play integral part in the win with a key hit and defensive plays to help us get the win.

Fell just short of a homerun again after an outfielder who was recently signed by the Braves tracked down a deep fly ball I hit which would have been good for a double otherwise.

Sydney Blue Sox, a pro Australian team we draw some of our players from

Release from Team Website Below

The Ryde Hawks have kicked off their 2012/13 NSW State Baseball League campaign in style, winning both games of their first series of the season against the Manly Eagles. The Hawks blew the Eagles away with a 9-2 thrashing on Wednesday night before backing it up with a 7-4 victory on Sunday afternoon.
It was all Hawks on opening night as Ryde scored three runs in the second inning, two in the third and three in the fourth to stake starting pitcher Luke Wilkins to an early 8-0 lead. Wilkins was brilliant on the mound over five shutout innings, limiting Manly to just three hits while racking up six strikeouts to record the win.
Nick Dimmers and Chris Davis led the offensive outburst, picking up three hits and two RBI apiece, while Tim Green and Jake Wilkins contributed two hits and an RBI each. Manly managed to push across two late runs but relievers Hayden Staats and Wayne Lundgren erased any thoughts of a comeback and the Hawks cruised to victory.
The Hawks then came out and backed it up on Sunday with a thrilling extra innings victory. After both teams scored two runs early on, the score remained tied until the bottom of the eighth when Manly managed to edge out to a 4-2 lead.
Down to their last out with nobody on base, the Hawks capitalised on some shaky Manly defence in the top of the ninth with Davis and Luke Parish reaching on errors. Stephen Klosowski and Jake Wilkins then managed to hold their nerve to drive them in and tie the game at 4-4.
After solid performances from Scott Cameron and Lundgren on the mound, Luke Wilkins then returned and shut the Eagles down in the bottom of the ninth. With the score still locked at 4-4, the game was sent to extra innings where the Hawks made their opponents pay for failing to finish them off. Klosowski, Matt O’Neill and Jake Clinch all provided RBIs as the Hawks jumped out to a 7-4 lead that they would not relinquish.
Wilkins then hurled his second inning of scoreless relief, shutting the Eagles down in the bottom of the tenth to secure the victory and earn his second win of the season. The Hawks are now 2-0 as they head into a round two clash with Blacktown.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sydney Islam Protests

During my walk around Sydney yesterday, I walked past Hyde Park, Town Hall, and Martin Place in the Sydney CBD. At the time I passed through, the city was very quiet because of being a Saturday.

As the day went on, there was a protest over an anti-Islamic film. On my way walking back, I noticed a number of police cars and a helicopter flying overhead though I wasn't entirely sure of what had happened.

The video below is from YouTube and was recorded yesterday.

The areas they walk by are the same ways I walked, and had timing been any different, I likely would have seen the whole thing unfold.

Botanical Gardens and State Library

I wandered into the city of Sydney where I checked out the New South Wales State Library and another part of the Royal Botanical Gardens near the Opera House.  

Statue outside the NSW Library sandstone building

interior hall

Friday, September 14, 2012

Two Month Point

Today and yesterday involved busy days at my internship near Martin Place in Sydney.

Martin Place 1924Martin Place modern-day

The Australian guys I work with were interested in my opinion on the QE3 program recently undertaken by the Fed to prop up the economy. Ironically, I think that my opinion seems to be more negative than their own, about these sorts of policy initiatives. Either way, the policy will only make my dollar worth less during my time abroad, thanks Mr. Bernanke. It's also interesting that Australia's current interest rates are around 3.5% whereas current US rates are near zero and yet the US is considered riskier based on the ratings agencies as a borrower. The US bonds themselves have become a "greater fool game," with the only reason to buy them is someone else will pay a little more for them. 

One of the books I am reading now, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (an old book from the 1920s/30s era) mentions Saratoga Springs, which is actually where the central character (Jesse Livermore, a real person) was visiting during a turning point in his career. Some of the city's history, including tidbits about William Travers, the Grand Union Hotel, and the racetrack are mentioned as well. Brings me back to my senior year in high school in Mr. Patterson's local history class.

I wrapped up the evening with some baseball practice, boxing training, and more kangaroo of course. This time in sausage form.

Tonight's dinner; "Kanga Bangas"

I have now been in the land of kangaroos and koalas for two months, which is hard for me to believe. I am also fast approaching my trip to Cairns during the school break on the week of September 24.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First Game Summer League

My simplified schedule of the day involved weightlifting, class, taking some practice hitting off in the cage and then heading off to Campbelltown for my first baseball game of the Sydney Summer Baseball season.

The season kicked off on a good note, winning our first game which I was able to contribute to both offensively and defensively, going 3 for 3 with 2 doubles (which may have been more if there wasnt a fence of over 400 feet), a couple rbis, a stolen base, and a sac fly.

The league is comparable to the Twilight League in Albany and has players from the professional baseball league in Australia (ABL) since their season starts in October.

Should be a lot more fun to come and a great way to keep working on my skills.

Monday, September 10, 2012


The onset of midterm exams has made my blog dull lately. However, after getting through this week and next, I will be headed off to Cairns for the mid-semester break (Australia's Springs Break).

Looking forward to getting to check out the Great Barrier Reef, the rainforest, jungle surfing (not quite sure what that is) amongst other things.

Will keep the blog updated if any excitement abounds.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Finance in The Rocks

Outside of my daily conditioning and weight training program, today I spent some time shadowing a trader at a hedge fund based in the Rocks section of Sydney.

Afterwards, I went over to my internship which has a private equity focus.

My earlier meeting with some traders at the fund was a great opportunity for me to learn more about their process for identifying trading opportunities in the market and spurred me to become even more curious about the industry. As a result I have been devouring various books on or related to finance while over here, which usually involved scouting out a random sunny location to post up and read for a while (as one can imagine, it's not too hard to find the sun over here).

In addition to taking time out of the day to allow me to learn more about their investment process, i was also given a gift from the fund manager himself; the book Reminiscence of a Stock Operator personally signed by the CEO of the investment firm.

Looking forward to this read for sure.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

54 Days In

Now having been over here for nearly 8 weeks, I think I may be starting to get spoiled by the consistently amazing weather of Sydney. The past few days have been over 80 degrees, sunny, and I can't remember the last time it rained.

I have been taking full advantage of the weather through walking around Sydney to see everything it has to offer and of course practicing baseball.

I also found out about these links recently regarding my study abroad experience

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Classes and Baseball

After 5 hours of nonstop baseball I caught a bus to nearby Five Dock where I was able to hitch a ride with another fellow baseball player to practice with my summer team. As usual had fun and got in some quality baseball practice.

I also received a surprise package from my family today

and as you can tell by the wrapping paper of drawings...

my parents are architects. I would also like to thank my sister for her creative and unique cards, including the 3-D kangaroo drawing below although the picture doesn't do it justice. Thank you Katrina. 

The dress shirt and socks they sent will no doubt come in handy, thank you guys.