Monday, September 3, 2012

Father's Day in Australia

So apparently it was Father's Day in Australia yesterday (September 2) so Happy Belated Australian Father's Day dad!

I went into The Rocks of Sydney (an older part) yesterday to take more of a look around the area and hang out in the harbor. There was a market set up on the street of tents selling various food, souvenirs, and the like which was cool to check out as well. The area has a unique old feel to it, with sandstone buildings dominating the architecture in the area.

Today was a combination of classes, hitting in the cage (I was pumped to find actual baseballs in the storage area opposed to just cricket balls), more academic stuff, and a boxing workout. School is picking up and I have a midterm for one of my classes a week from today. That shouldn't hold me back from checking out more in the Sydney area though.

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