Friday, September 7, 2012

Finance in The Rocks

Outside of my daily conditioning and weight training program, today I spent some time shadowing a trader at a hedge fund based in the Rocks section of Sydney.

Afterwards, I went over to my internship which has a private equity focus.

My earlier meeting with some traders at the fund was a great opportunity for me to learn more about their process for identifying trading opportunities in the market and spurred me to become even more curious about the industry. As a result I have been devouring various books on or related to finance while over here, which usually involved scouting out a random sunny location to post up and read for a while (as one can imagine, it's not too hard to find the sun over here).

In addition to taking time out of the day to allow me to learn more about their investment process, i was also given a gift from the fund manager himself; the book Reminiscence of a Stock Operator personally signed by the CEO of the investment firm.

Looking forward to this read for sure.

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