Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Great Barrier Reef

Today was an amazing day. I got to go snorkeling and scuba diving (twice) at the Great Barrier Reef.

It was awesome to get used to the sensation of being able to breath under water while watching schools of huge fish pass by you and being surrounded by huge coral formations. I'm pretty sure I saw Nemo too.

While diving, I got to pet a cuttlefish which turned a brilliant blue color. It looks like a mini squid.


I also got to get up and close to a stingray and watch it bury into the sand.

Without a doubt, one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. The great barrier reef is certainly among the most incredible natural structures and habitats in the world.

View from the "Wharf" before departing

Without an aerial view of the reef, hard to do it it justice

Certified to Scuba Dive

1 comment:

  1. We saw finding nemo in 3d last night! Thought of you and now seeing this is a coincidence. How cool.
