Sunday, September 30, 2012

Darling Harbor and Orphan Dinner

Yesterday, I took a walk into Darling Harbor to see if I could get an extension on the expiration date of tickets I had to the aquarium. I have some family friends coming to Sydney in November and was able to get 3 tickets I had to the Westfield tower extended through November. Unfortunately, one of the ladies working at the ticket office had no interest in helping me out and was clearly frustrated by having to deal with the long lines.

Darling Harbor Aquarium

At first I was frustrated that she refused to help and was considering just returning at a later date to hopefully see if someone nicer would help out. However, with the long lines, I decided I could take advantage of the situation by just scalping the tickets and picked up a little over $20 each for the tickets by selling them to people waiting in line. There's some American entrepreneurial spirit for ya.

Later on in the evening, I went over to the weekly "Orphan's Dinner" with the Garrett family who have been my acting host family in Sydney. I enjoyed what is always a very entertaining and fun night as well as some top notch seafood. I got to try sea bugs which have a texture very similar to that of lobster.

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