Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 196

It is hard to believe I have been in Australia for nearly 200 days. Weather keeps on getting nicer and I enjoyed the whole day outside, practicing, training, and doing a little reading.

Went to the "Orphan Dinner" once again since today is Sunday and as always enjoyed the company of the Garret's who also offered me a home after I get booted out of my current living area after all finals are done on November 24. Even though finals are about a month away, classes conclude at the end of this month. It looks like I will also be winding down my internship (the unpaid portion at least) this week. If they have enough work to keep me on, I may be able to get paid which will help to potentially fund a trip to New Zealand in late November.

practicing some t-work using the on-campus cricket facilities

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