Thursday, October 4, 2012

Presidential Debate

While at my internship today, I and another one of the guys I work was were listening to the presidential debate between Obama and Romney. Romney reminds me somewhat of Reagan in his talking style and seemed to exude much better body language than Obama. With two of the head guys in the office on a business trip in Europe, it has been a little quieter lately. Nonetheless, my supervisor is always very interested in my opinions.

In the office lately, I have been doing more macroeconomic-focused research; gathering and making sense of whatever data I want to form views for economy. I have used all sorts of data- some more traditional, while other sets of data are more unconventional. This means breaking down US GDP into its components of government spending, net exports, investment, and consumer spending or using the bloomberg terminal to import data on the number of UPS boxes shipped to get a sense of consumer confidence. I even came across some other data sets which involve looking at the amount of mens underwear sold or even the number of lottery tickets purchased to get a sense for how much spare change consumers have in their pockets.

Later tonight I am headed to practice under the lights with another ball player from Atlanta area. Should be a fun workout.

Weather today has been hot; low to mid-90s so a night practice will still be warm but certainly better than being out in the sun.

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