Friday, October 19, 2012

One Month and a day left of School

Even though I wrapped up my internship last week, they offered to take me out to lunch this past Thursday and brought me to the Phoenix Restaurant-Sydney in the Westfield Tower building.Phoenix Restaurant

I got to try my hand at using chopsticks with some delicious Chinese food, but also chat a little about the American election with my intern coordinators who are very interested in the outcome.

They also left me with a book; Thinking Fast and Slow which challenges traditional rational behavior that is assumed in economics and is similar to Malcolm Gladwell's book Blink.

 I have the found book extremely interesting so far and look forward to continuing it.

Today, I submitted three major assignments; an essay for Law and Economics, a group project for Mergers and Acquisitions, and an excel investments report which involved running regressions on a financial model on stocks returns proposed by famed University of Chicago economists Fama and French.

Only about a month away from being completely done with classes after finals.

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