Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Earlier today I headed over to the Garrett's (essentially my host family over here) to help them out with yardwork since the summer is on its way. Meanwhile, with the election going on back in the US, I was able to keep tabs on how the race was shaping up since it broadcasts from CNN and ABC were available through Aussie TV and I could keep updated by checking out the electoral vote count through the window.

After helping out there for around 5 and a half hours, I caught a bus to our home field in Ryde (suburb of Sydney) for our baseball game.

Our team came away from tonight's game with a much-needed win after a couple of tough losses recently. I was able to contribute with 3 hits in 4 at bats including a bases loaded single right back at the pitcher which helped us score a pivotal run.

One of the players on the opposing team was former MLB player Chris Snelling who had a number of clutch hits for the Phillies in 2008 when they won the World Series.  Chris Snelling after hitting a homerun for the Phillies

It turns out that his cousin is actually our player-coach, and on the ride home it was interesting to hear his road to majors which started getting signed at 17 years old.

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