Saturday, November 10, 2012

Farewell Dinner

I was over at the Garrett's house once again continuing to help them out with yardwork and "spring cleaning" earlier today and they have returned the favor by helping to fund my trip upcoming trip to New Zealand.

Tonight, I met with the other students on the study-abroad program at a restaurant with an amazing view of Sydney.

 O Bar

The seating area was setup so that it would slowly rotate to allow a changing panoramic view of the city. Had a nice final meal with everyone from the abroad program and will be wrapping up with school soon after exams. From there, my remaining time on this side of the world will be in the south island of New Zealand, and a couple of days back in Sydney before leaving for the US.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Looks like a James bond movie set!,That is awesome. Sad for you to know you will be leaving come back to the cold northeast. Many thanks to deb and family. How nice of them.
